Video Streaming: Will MOVI be the Next ‘Must Have’ Device

Category : Latest News

nextbigthing_twitterA new year is upon us and the question that comes our way year after year is “what’s the next big thing” … if only we knew. We do know that live streaming is becoming more and more popular. Did you know Meerkat has more than two-million registered users and Twitter’s Periscope app now has two million daily active users … we recently read a stat that said Periscope users watch 40-years worth of video every day. Wait, WHAT?!? Now that’s A LOT of screen time. It’s certainly no surprise that Facebook is adding streaming functionality as well.

One thing that seems clear to us is that live streaming is going to grow in importance this year. The big question becomes 1) will it be controlled by brands and be high-quality, or 2) will it be controlled by individuals and be more about community … again, who knows, maybe both?!?  The challenge for brands is that people think that “live” means creating “shows” that look like broadcast television, while millennials think “live” is raw, honest, first-person type videos. We do know this: two things are clearly changing technology – the audience and the appetite for content. 

Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 8.00.03 PMIn April, there’s actually a new technical device that will be available that is going to make high quality, live streaming more of a reality. Currently, devices like the iPhone, that can create a live feed are really hard to watch for extended periods. Seriously! It can be flat out nauseating to watch them. Now there will be a new camera on the market called a Movi. It’s produced by Livestream, and it’s suppose to be pretty remarkable. It is a single device, 4K live streaming camera designed for users who want a more professional looking live stream. The Movi, which is expected to retail for $399, will give streamers a multi-camera directors dashboard on their iPhone. Now that’s something we’re interested in seeing.

Here’s more info on Movi: 

Also, here’s an article from Inc. Magazine that we enjoyed that focuses on social media predictions in 2016:

It’s certainly an interest time we live in. 

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