Here’s message we received from Marc Middleton, CEO/Founder of the GROWING BOLDER COMMUNITY: “We’re welcoming the New Year in style — with a new issue of Growing Bolder Magazine that includes a little feature about Doverwood Communications’ CEO/President (and Yellow Rick Road Productions’ Executive Producer/Producer/Marketer) Melanie Lentz-Janney!”
The FREE magazine will be available at Central Florida Walgreens the beginning of January, but the electronic version is available now.
Here’s a link to the issue: http://magazine.growingbolder.
We are so grateful to Marc, Bill Schaffer and the Team at Growing Bolder for jumping on the Yellow Rick Road from the start of our journey:
About Marc Middleton, Founder and CEO:
One of the leading voices in the active lifestyle movement, Marc is a veteran news and sports anchor and multiple Emmy Award-winning reporter. Marc began talking about building an Active Lifestyle multiplatform network in 1999. He left TV news in 2006 to start the Bolder Media Group and Bolder Broadcasting, Inc. Marc is the co-host of The Growing Bolder TV and Radio Shows and provides the day-to-day vision and leadership as we build our active lifestyle network.
About Bill Shafer, Executive Vice President:
As an Emmy-nominated anchor, producer, lifestyle reporter and writer, Bill has inspired and entertained millions by proving that ordinary people have extraordinary stories. His aim-for-the-heart style was instrumental in his station winning the duPont Award for Excellence in Journalism. At Bolder, Bill is co-host of The Growing Bolder TV and Radio Shows, our chief storyteller, and actively involved in every aspect of our daily business.