Movie Critic ROGER MOORE of MovieNation has been following the Yellow Rick Road since the very beginning of the journey. Roger was the movie critic for the Orlando Sentinel for years and even had his own TV show on WESH (NBC) where he would discuss why most movies were “not worthy.”
Roger and Melanie Lentz-Janney met back in the 90’s at numerous press screenings, but when they became Facebook friends, he quickly discovered her undeniable love for musician RICK SPRINGFIELD. After teasing her for being a “stalker” and never allowing her teenage crush to leave her radar, she was a little reluctant to tell him about the documentary project she was producing with Sylvia Caminer. She knew Roger could potentially have a field day teasing her, however, she selected him as THE first journalist to know about the new production company, Yellow Rick Road Productions, and the documentary, AN AFFAIR OF THE HEART and break the story.
Roger wrote a few articles for the Orlando Sentinel: and and
This month he wrote a feature story for Orlando Magazine. The magazine hits the newsstands the end of January. Here’s a link to the story: